czwartek, 7 listopada 2013
środa, 6 listopada 2013
Full Speed Ahead: China Calls Seattle Primary Target Of Nuclear Attack!
Teraz, że Chińczycy ujawnił plan, gdzie mogą subs możliwości uruchomienia rakiet nuklearnych w większości naszej linii brzegowej, zdobyli podstawowy cel. Chińskie media odsłonięcia że Seattle, Washington, będzie pierwszym miejscem, do strajku. Jeden chiński autor mówi, że to zagrożenie musi być traktowana poważnie.
Wydaje się, że chiński Nowy lider chce pokazać swoją potęgę militarną, i dać mu szansę na wojskową rozginanie swoją nowo odkrytą mięśni. Oni nie mieli prawdziwą wojnę w roku. Z rozpada naszej dolara i długu zawdzięczamy, co większy cel do testowania własnego może wtedy największy Super Power na świecie.
Mówiąc za każdym źdźble trawy naprawdę nie dotyczyć jednego z wyznawców kodeksu bushido lub wushi w chińskim. To jest droga wojownika. To dosłownie przekłada się na cześć aż do śmierci. Ci wojownicy według ściśle kodeks honorowy nie rozumianym przez Stany Zjednoczone w ich honor jest wszystko. Honor do kraju, cześć do rodziny, cześć przywódcom dosłownie znaczy walczyć do ostatniego człowieka stał.
Jak poważne jest to zagrożenie? Cóż według przetłumaczone na angielski:
sobota, 26 października 2013
piątek, 25 października 2013
Szczepić się na grypę czy nie? Lekarze namawiają, ale sami... unikają
Suną się różne epitety na myśl. Niech jednak Bóg ich osądzi:
"Lekarze zalecają szczepienia przeciw grypie, ale sami ich unikają. Badanie "Szczepienia przeciw grypie wśród pracowników ochrony zdrowia" pokazały, że choć 81 proc. pracowników medycznych określiło się jako zwolennicy szczepień, to zaledwie 39 proc. ankietowanych szczepiło się regularnie w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat.
Takie wyniki przyniosło badanie opracowane przez ekspertów Ogólnopolskiego Programu Zwalczania Grypy na podstawie 888 elektronicznych kwestionariuszy wypełnionych przez lekarzy i pielęgniarki z całej Polski.
Szacunki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny wskazują, że liczba realnie szczepiących się osób ze środowiska medycznego jest o wiele mniejsza, bo wynosi około 5-6 proc. I choć jest to minimalnie więcej niż średnia w populacji (3,7 proc.), to nadal jest to zdaniem ekspertów bardzo niski wskaźnik.
Z badania wynika, że największymi barierami w upowszechnieniu szczepień wśród personelu medycznego jest niski poziom wiedzy z zakresu profilaktyki grypy oraz brak dostępu do bezpłatnych szczepień. Inne powody to obawa przed objawami niepożądanymi, brak czasu, pieniędzy, a także strach przed… zastrzykiem. Okazuje się też, że częściej szczepią się lekarze niż pielęgniarki. Popularność szczepień zależy także od wykonywanej specjalizacji. Najczęściej taki sposób ochrony przed grypą wybierają pediatrzy i lekarze rodzinni, najrzadziej zaś chirurdzy.
"Lekarze zalecają szczepienia przeciw grypie, ale sami ich unikają. Badanie "Szczepienia przeciw grypie wśród pracowników ochrony zdrowia" pokazały, że choć 81 proc. pracowników medycznych określiło się jako zwolennicy szczepień, to zaledwie 39 proc. ankietowanych szczepiło się regularnie w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat.
Takie wyniki przyniosło badanie opracowane przez ekspertów Ogólnopolskiego Programu Zwalczania Grypy na podstawie 888 elektronicznych kwestionariuszy wypełnionych przez lekarzy i pielęgniarki z całej Polski.
Szacunki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny wskazują, że liczba realnie szczepiących się osób ze środowiska medycznego jest o wiele mniejsza, bo wynosi około 5-6 proc. I choć jest to minimalnie więcej niż średnia w populacji (3,7 proc.), to nadal jest to zdaniem ekspertów bardzo niski wskaźnik.
Z badania wynika, że największymi barierami w upowszechnieniu szczepień wśród personelu medycznego jest niski poziom wiedzy z zakresu profilaktyki grypy oraz brak dostępu do bezpłatnych szczepień. Inne powody to obawa przed objawami niepożądanymi, brak czasu, pieniędzy, a także strach przed… zastrzykiem. Okazuje się też, że częściej szczepią się lekarze niż pielęgniarki. Popularność szczepień zależy także od wykonywanej specjalizacji. Najczęściej taki sposób ochrony przed grypą wybierają pediatrzy i lekarze rodzinni, najrzadziej zaś chirurdzy.
czwartek, 24 października 2013
Man With Stage 3 Colon Cancer Refuses Chemotherapy & Cures Himself With Vegan Diet
Ward shares his short and powerful testimony of how he refused
chemotherapy and survived stage 3 colon cancer. We often hear of
alternative methods and treatments for cancer, but rarely are they used
and implemented by individuals primarily due to the fear factor. Those
diagnosed with cancer are heavily encouraged by doctors, family and
peers to seek mainstream treatments like chemotherapy.
Granted, cancer is a multi trillion dollar industry which would make it hard for one to market studies that go against traditional treatments like chemotherapy. There was a study published in August 2003 that revealed of adult cancer in the USA and Australia, the use of chemotherapy only provided a cure 2.1 % of the time. The study undertook a literature search for randomized clinical trials which saw a 5-year survival rate that was attributed solely to cytotoxic chemotherapy in adult malignancies. The data was taken from the cancer registry in Australia and from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results data in the USA for 1998. As stated, the final results show that the overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA. You can take a look at that here.
Granted, cancer is a multi trillion dollar industry which would make it hard for one to market studies that go against traditional treatments like chemotherapy. There was a study published in August 2003 that revealed of adult cancer in the USA and Australia, the use of chemotherapy only provided a cure 2.1 % of the time. The study undertook a literature search for randomized clinical trials which saw a 5-year survival rate that was attributed solely to cytotoxic chemotherapy in adult malignancies. The data was taken from the cancer registry in Australia and from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results data in the USA for 1998. As stated, the final results show that the overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA. You can take a look at that here.
wtorek, 22 października 2013
sobota, 19 października 2013
czwartek, 17 października 2013
President Obama: A 'Nod' from the craft and the altar of Zeus
Kto streści?
President Obama: A 'Nod' from the craft and the altar of Zeus
While this may seem trivial to the average person, what it means to secret orders is consequential. Groups such as Masons (who honored Obama with the first-ever-inaugural ball in Washington, DC, January 20th, 2009) esteem rituals, gestures, the use of books such as the Bible, and Oaths taken by heads of State to be of the highest mystical importance. This is why everything they do is administered through appropriate rituals, initiations and incitations. Ethereal power—including supernatural agents—can be manipulated, bound and released to execute blessings or curses as a result of proper oaths. Breaking an oath can likewise result in dire repercussion in their opinion. Because this is not taken lightly by occultists, members of the Craft would have a difficult time believing the Oath of Office of the President of the US—one of the most hallowed American traditions—was so easily flubbed. The very beginning of the Oath, "I do solemnly swear," is a spiritual petition. The word ‘solemn’ means ‘an invocation of a religious sanction’ or entreaty before deity to witness, sanction and bless the binding nature of the ceremony to carry out the office or duty. The oath also binds the individual before "God" to faithfully execute the covenant. Thus government representatives make an oath before taking public office, and witnesses in a court of law take an oath to "swear to tell the truth" before offering testimony.
These principles are deeply rooted in the Judeo-Christian faith as well as most other religions. Though there is no way of knowing what the Presidential Oath of Office deeply means to Obama or whether the blunder and redo of the swearing in ceremony was anything more than an accident, the unprecedented gaffe was suspicious to some as possibly representing important hidden meaning. Misgivings over it were additionally compounded when reflected against other curious activities and declarations by Barack Obama, which most of the media missed, downplayed, or simply refused to report on, that strongly connected his emergence with occult mythology identified in the Bible as both prophetic and demonic.
An extraordinary example of this was when Obama gave his speech in Berlin, Germany, on July 24th, 2008, titled "The World that Stands as One." More than a few students of occult history took notice of the symbolism and location of the event, even causing some who until then had rejected any "antichrist" labels hurled at Obama to reconsider their position. This included respected Catholic writer Michael O’Brien, best known for his apocalyptic novel Father Elijah. O’Brien had received numerous letters and emails from subscribers and visitors to his website wondering if Obama was the Antichrist. At first O’Brien wrote that this was not possible. Then a friend that had seen Obama’s speech in Berlin called him, talking about how mesmerizing the speech was and that an announcer over German radio had said: "We have just heard the next President of the United States… and the future President of the World." By now Obama was conveying an unusual likeness to the Antichrist character of his novel. After watching the Berlin speech several times for himself, O’Brien sent out a newsletter in which he admitted that, while he still doubted Obama was the prophesied ruler of the end times, he had come to believe he was "a carrier of a deadly moral virus, indeed a kind of anti-apostle spreading concepts and agendas that are not only anti-Christ but anti-human as well." O’Brien finally conceded Obama could be instrumental in ushering in the dreaded Great Tribulation period, and worse, that he was "of the spirit of Antichrist."[1] After Obama’s term of office was underway, O’Brien pointed out the numerous foreign and domestic problems Obama was facing, including wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the possibility of a new war with Iran, and issues related to the crumbling financial systems, saying these obstacles could overshadow Obama and lead to his defeat in the next presidential election. O’Brien then added in what was a clear reference to the coming of Antichrist, "Alternatively, he could become the ‘Great Facilitator,’ negotiator, peacemaker, working marvels throughout the world as he moves from one seemingly unsolvable problem to another."[2]
Because it is true that any significant public political event requires both forethought and symbolic meaning, the location where Obama gave his Berlin speech in front of Berlin’s Victory Column contributed to O’Brien’s conclusions. The site was offensive to educated Germans as well as to Christians and Jews because of its ties to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. It was nevertheless oddly appropriate, for it was upon this exact location that Hitler had planned to enthrone himself in the Welthauptstadt Germania—the new "World Capital" upon winning World War II.
During the 1930s, Hitler commissioned Albert Speer "the first architect of the Third Reich" to design the new capital. As part of the plans, the "Siegessäule" or Berlin Victory Column—a 226-foot monument topped by a golden winged figure representing Borussia, the female personification of Prussia, and Victoria, the cult goddess of military victory—was removed from its location in front of the Reichstag building in 1939 and relocated to its current location in the Tiergarten, a 495 acre park in the middle of Berlin where Obama gave his speech in front of the Nazi symbol.
Rainer Brüderle, deputy leader of the liberal political party Free Democrats in Germany complained to the newspaper Bild am Sonntag: "The Siegessäule in Berlin was moved to where it is now by Adolf Hitler. He saw it as a symbol of German superiority and of the victorious wars against Denmark, Austria and France." This represented a serious question In Brüderle’s mind as to "whether Barack Obama was advised correctly in his choice of the Siegessäule as the site to hold a speech on his vision for a more cooperative world." [3] Another German politician named Andreas Schockenhoff was equally disturbed, saying, "It is a problematic symbol."[4]
Evidently it was not problematic for Obama, who stood in front of it and saluted the German audience in a way eerily similar to what Adolf Hitler used to do, followed by thousands returning the salute, which is against German law. When Obama ended his speech in front of the war goddess, he said, "With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember this history, and answer our destiny, and remake the world once again." This is exactly what Hitler had promised to do and exactly where he had planned to memorialize it.
Of greater significance and not far from where Obama delivered his rousing speech, is the Great Altar of Zeus in the Pergamon Museum. According to several reports, Obama visited the Great Altar while in Berlin, which is especially important given what he did on returning to the United States. Before we examine Obama’s revealing actions, consider carefully what the Bible says about the Altar of Zeus in the letter to the church in Pergamos (Pergamum, Pergamon).
...."And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and has not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth" (Rev. 2:12-13).
In the Greek, the phrase "where Satan’s seat is" literally means, "where a throne to Satan is." Scholars identify this throne or ‘seat’ as the Great Altar of Zeus that existed in Pergamos at that time. So important was the worship of Zeus in ancient Pergamos that perpetual sacrifices were offered to him upon the towering and famous 40-foot high altar. Antipas, the first leader and martyr of the early Christian church is believed to have been slain on this altar, slowly roasting to death inside the statue of a bull, the symbol and companion of Zeus. The phrase in Revelation 2:13 "wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth" is considered a citation of this event.
Approximately two-thousand years after Revelation 2:13 was written, German archeologists removed the massive altar of Zeus from the ruins of Pergamos and took it to Berlin, where it was restored as the centerpiece of the Pergamon Museum. It is here that Hitler first adored it, later building an outdoor replica of it from which he gave a series of speeches that mesmerized many Germans.
"Fast forward about another 75 years," says blogger El Gallo. "Another charismatic young politician mesmerizes huge German crowds with a rousing speech in Berlin. Barack Hussein Obama…. [and] did Barack Obama visit… the Great Altar of Zeus…? Presumably he did."[5]
Whether Obama received inspiration from the throne of Satan while in Berlin or not, what he did next was astonishing. Upon returning to the United States, he immediately commissioned the construction of a Greek-columned stage from which he made his acceptance speech for his party’s nomination. Because Greek temples such as those built to honor Zeus were thought to house the patron deity, the GOP ridiculed Obama, mocking him as playing Zeus of "Mount Olympus" and accusing his supporters of "kneeling" before the "Temple of Obama." The New York Post ran an enlightening Convention Special supplement on August 28th, 2008 with the telling headline: ‘O’ MY GOD: DEMS ERECT OBAMA TEMPLE blazoned across the front cover. But it was not until blogger Joel Richardson pointed out how the design of Obama’s stage was a dead ringer for the Great Altar of Zeus [6] that Obama’s campaign managers tried to explain away the design as being a conglomeration representing the portico of the White House with the U.S. capital building. "But experts agreed with Richardson," Gallo wrote, "it was a replica of the Great Altar of Pergamum."[7]
Thus, incredibly, like Hitler, Obama had honored the goddess Victoria with his presence before ordering a replica of the biblical throne of Satan built, upon which he accepted his date with destiny.
A final troubling disclosure at the conclusion of this entry may cast light on why Obama seemed fascinated with such anti-Christian symbolism in the lead-up to his election victory. A Hadith (tradition) sacred to Shiite Islam from the 17th century contains a prophecy from Ali ibn Abi-Talib, which predicts that just before the return of the Mahdi (the end-times redeemer of Islam), a "tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West." This leader will command "the strongest army on earth" and will bear "a clear sign" from the third imam, Hussein. The prophecy concludes that: "Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us."
Does this Islamic prophecy identify Obama as the "promised warrior" who comes to help the savior of Shiite Muslims conquer the world? Amir Taheri asked this very question for Forbes Magazine in October, 2008, pointing out how "Obama’s first and second names—Barack Hussein—mean ‘the blessing of Hussein’ in Arabic and Persian" while his "family name, Obama, written in the Persian alphabet, reads O Ba Ma, which means ‘he is with us,’ the magic formula in Majlisi’s tradition.
Leap forward to 2009, and Barack Hussein Obama on June 4 gave an unprecedented speech to the Muslim world from Cairo, Egypt declaring that he is launching a new era between the United States and the Muslim world. For the first time, Obama was forthright about his Muslim heritage and stated that the United States—which he is on record as saying is "no longer a Christian nation"—is now "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." Newsweek editor Evan Thomas followed the president’s speech with a declaration reflected in the opinion of many, that "Obama is standing above the country, above the world, he is a sort of God."
The temple stage set at Invesco Field was obviously a replication of the Pergamon Altar in the quite wonderful Pergamon Museum in Berlin, put together by Middle East history academicians in the early 20th century. Did Barack Obama have time in his visit to Berlin (when he didn't have time to fly to see the wounded American soldiers in Ramstein) to visit the Pergamon Museum? Just asking.
By Thomas R. Horn
środa, 16 października 2013
Z tego co zrozumiałem chcą wymordować 50% ludzi. Może ktos to streści?
North Carolina is first state to cut welfare amid federal shutdown
Kto streści? w skrócie pisząc wiem że PLn Karolica wstrzymała socjal
(Reuters) - North Carolina has become the first state to cut off welfare benefits to poor residents in the wake of the partial federal government shutdown, ordering a halt to processing November applications until a deal is reached to end the federal standstill.
More than 20,000 people - most of them children - receive monthly benefits aimed at helping them buy food and other basic supplies through North Carolina's welfare program, called Work First, which is fully funded by the federal government. Recipients must reapply each month.
The state's Department of Health and Human Services told its local offices in a letter dated October 10 not to process applications for November benefits until the federal government reaches a deal to restore normal operations.
"We are heavily dependent on federal dollars," said Julie Henry, spokeswoman for the state HHS department. "When these kinds of things happen at the federal level, it has an immediate impact."
Other North Carolina programs funded through the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) grant also will be affected. That list includes childcare subsidies that cover more than 70,000 children and have already ceased being distributed in some parts of the state.
The federal agency that oversees TANF, the Office of the Administration for Children and Families, urged states to continue funding the program, saying in a letter that the states would be reimbursed unless Congress specifies otherwise.
Critics note that a state "rainy day fund" has $650 million for emergency use and say it's politics, not finances, that drives North Carolina's position on federal programs. The Work First program cost about $4.8 million for September in North Carolina.
"I would say this is an emergency," says Alexandra Sirota, director of the North Carolina Budget and Tax Center, which advocates for low-income citizens. "They're cutting off a lifeline for thousands of North Carolina families who have experienced significant hardships."
Last week, the same state department briefly planned to suspend WIC benefits, which supply baby formula and other staples to poor women with young children. That decision, also unique nationwide, was reversed a day later after the state budget director intervened to provide funds to keep it going.
Workers have been told to continue accepting the applications for November benefits but not to process them until the federal government shutdown ends.
The benefits are applied for and received on a rolling basis. There is no deadline for applying and no single day in which people receive the benefits. That said, anyone who applied for October before this week will receive their benefits.
The state of Arizona said earlier in October it would suspend TANF benefits, but reversed that decision. Governor Jan Brewer ordered that state funds be used to continue the program through October 31.
(Reuters) - North Carolina has become the first state to cut off welfare benefits to poor residents in the wake of the partial federal government shutdown, ordering a halt to processing November applications until a deal is reached to end the federal standstill.
More than 20,000 people - most of them children - receive monthly benefits aimed at helping them buy food and other basic supplies through North Carolina's welfare program, called Work First, which is fully funded by the federal government. Recipients must reapply each month.
The state's Department of Health and Human Services told its local offices in a letter dated October 10 not to process applications for November benefits until the federal government reaches a deal to restore normal operations.
"We are heavily dependent on federal dollars," said Julie Henry, spokeswoman for the state HHS department. "When these kinds of things happen at the federal level, it has an immediate impact."
Other North Carolina programs funded through the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) grant also will be affected. That list includes childcare subsidies that cover more than 70,000 children and have already ceased being distributed in some parts of the state.
The federal agency that oversees TANF, the Office of the Administration for Children and Families, urged states to continue funding the program, saying in a letter that the states would be reimbursed unless Congress specifies otherwise.
Critics note that a state "rainy day fund" has $650 million for emergency use and say it's politics, not finances, that drives North Carolina's position on federal programs. The Work First program cost about $4.8 million for September in North Carolina.
"I would say this is an emergency," says Alexandra Sirota, director of the North Carolina Budget and Tax Center, which advocates for low-income citizens. "They're cutting off a lifeline for thousands of North Carolina families who have experienced significant hardships."
Last week, the same state department briefly planned to suspend WIC benefits, which supply baby formula and other staples to poor women with young children. That decision, also unique nationwide, was reversed a day later after the state budget director intervened to provide funds to keep it going.
Workers have been told to continue accepting the applications for November benefits but not to process them until the federal government shutdown ends.
The benefits are applied for and received on a rolling basis. There is no deadline for applying and no single day in which people receive the benefits. That said, anyone who applied for October before this week will receive their benefits.
The state of Arizona said earlier in October it would suspend TANF benefits, but reversed that decision. Governor Jan Brewer ordered that state funds be used to continue the program through October 31.
Microchipping the population is not a theory, it's a plan.
The Obamacare LAW, which requires the mandatory implantation of RFID microchips, is the vehicle by which this plan will be achieved.
Please see this previous entry, written back in March 2010, that accurately predicted that Obamacare would be passed, without a doubt.
The above linked entry gives an in depth outline of how Obamacare's end goal is to chip the entire populace.
The Obamacare LAW, which requires the mandatory implantation of RFID microchips, is the vehicle by which this plan will be achieved.
Please see this previous entry, written back in March 2010, that accurately predicted that Obamacare would be passed, without a doubt.
The above linked entry gives an in depth outline of how Obamacare's end goal is to chip the entire populace.
The legal jargon contained in Obamacare regarding "implantable" "Class
II medical devices" clearly equals RFID microchipping.
wtorek, 15 października 2013
Judaism is Satanic
Judaism is Satanic!By David J. Stewart"...I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." —Revelation 2:9God told the prophet Jeremiah, concerning the Jews, in Jeremiah 7:16 and 14:11... "Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee... Pray not for this people for their good."
The Jews had sinned, and God was angry at them. Do you think the Jews are any better today? They are 100 times worse!!! They still murder their children through abortion, as to Moloch. Jews are no more righteous than the rest of the heathen world. The Jews are saturated with sin today, as is the entire world (1st John 5:19). I am NOT anti-Semitic in any way. I love Jewish people. I love Arabs. I love all people with the unconditional love of God, which the Holy Ghost hath shed abroad in the heart of every born-again Christian (Romans 5:5).
Certainly the Jews are God's people, but the Lord has set the nation of Israel aside in 586 B.C. until He returns. Concerning the Jews in present day the Bible teaches in Luke 21:24, “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” This Scripture was fulfilled in part when the Roman ruler, Titus, declared war on the Jews in A.D. 70 and annihilated them, destroying their 2nd temple, and scattering them aboard. Not one temple stone was left sitting upon another. From that time until today, the Jews have been scattered across the world. Israel today is a mess, still lacking a 3rd temple. Luke 21:24 teaches that Israel's woes will continue until Jesus Christ returns to reign.
The messiah that the Jews are looking for today will be the Antichrist, because they rejected their true Messiah when He came to His own 2,000 years ago and they crucified Him. Jews today still practice idolatry. In fact, it's epidemic! Here's an article written by Jewish Rabbi Shraqa Simmons titled, WHY WE DON'T BELIEVE IN JESUS...$.aspThis is the heart of Judaism... CHRIST REJECTION! Lest you should think that only a few Jews believe such Antichrist philosophy, the following quote is taken from the biggest JUDAISM organization in Israel (where I found the above blasphemous article on why they DON'T believe in Jesus)...
Aish HaTorah is a world leader in creative Jewish educational programs and leadership training, dedicated to answering the vital question, "Why be Jewish?" Aish HaTorah, founded in Jerusalem by Rabbi Noah Weinberg in 1974, is dedicated to revitalizing the Jewish people by providing opportunities for Jews of all backgrounds to discover their heritage in an atmosphere of open inquiry and mutual respect.Folks, that is the apostate condition of Israel today. The Israeli government is Godless, "awarding Aish a coveted piece of land" so they can teach millions of Jews why they SHOULDN'T believe in Jesus! Monstrous! Evil! Wicked! Vile! Many Jews today spit on Jesus Christ, and would crucify Him all over again if they had the opportunity! The religious Jewish leaders of today are as Pharisaical and hypocritical as they were 2000 years ago.
Aish HaTorah’s headquarters is in the Old City of Jerusalem, where the government of Israel awarded Aish a coveted piece of land (emphasis added) -- 40 percent of the frontage facing the Western Wall. Construction is nearing completion on a hitech outreach center that features a rooftop vista overlooking the Temple Mount, and the Kirk Douglas Theatre which will house a dramatic film presentation of the Jewish contribution to humanity. Scheduled to open in 2007, the outreach center anticipates one million visitors annually. As CNN's Larry King said: "What better location could there be for an institution single-mindedly dedicated to reaching and teaching Jews their heritage?"
- Aish HaTorah operates 26 full-time branches and on 5 continents
- 100,000 people attend Aish programs annually
- receives over 2 million visits each month, with 180,000 unique email subscribers
- 50,000 hours of Torah tapes and MP3s are listened to each year
- 4,500 people attend Aish learning programs in Israel every year
- 200 people have graduated from our rabbinic ordination program
Beyond Jewish education, Aish HaTorah is known as a staunch defender of Israel (emphasis added), and has launched various Israel advocacy programs. Aish celebrates Israel Independence Day and Jerusalem Day, and proudly flies the flag of Israel above its World Center at the Western Wall. Over 500 people have made aliyah directly through their involvement with Aish HaTorah.
It's Against the Law in Israel to Convert to Christianity (soul-winning is illegal)
And yet John Hagee is promising us prosperity if we give money to these Christ-Rejecters. No sir, you are apostate! And the Jews have the audacity to get mad at Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ for bringing further light to the fact that they MURDERED THEIR MESSIAH!
Larry King (born Larry H. Zeiger on November 19, 1933 in Brooklyn, New York) was the son of Orthodox Jews who had emigrated from Russia. Larry King said: "What better location could there be for an institution single-mindedly dedicated to reaching and teaching Jews their heritage?" Teaching Jews their heritage?
Don't you realize that their heritage is corrupted? The heritage which Aish HaTorah teaches is reprobate paganism! Let me ask you a question, did Abraham reject the Messiah? No, Abraham believed upon the Messiah and was saved... "And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness" (Genesis 15:6). We read in Isaiah 43:11, "I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour." We read in Luke 2:11, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." And I love Romans 4:5, "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him (Jesus) that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." Romans 10:13 promises, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved."
Oh listen all you Jews today... "Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Salvation may be of the Jews, but 95% of Jews today DON'T HAVE IT!
This is the tragic truth. How could Jews today still REJECT their own Savior? Read it for yourself on the biggest Judaism website in the world... WHY WE DON'T BELIEVE IN JESUS.
Listen to this Judaism audio lecture and tell me that these people aren't serving the Devil... It's nothing but utter nonsense and mumbo-jumbo...$.asp (click on "LISTEN NOW" on the webpage).
The nation of Israel is in God's hands, and we are not obligated in any way to befriend Israel today. The Jews, as a nation, rejected their Savior 2000 years ago, and still rejects Jesus today. God will deal with them in the Tribulation Period (i.e., the Time of Jacob's Trouble).
Televangelist and heretic John Hagee actually believes that some Jews are not saved by the cross of Christ, but by prior election and their pedigree in Abraham. Hagee teaches that there is a way of salvation in Christ and an election of grace for the Jews apart from Christ.
This is damnable heresy, which is adamantly condemned by Scriptures such as John 3:3... "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Carefully notice that Jesus spoke this to Nicodemus, a Jew, who was a religious leader over the JEWS. Every lost sinner must be born-again if they want to go to Heaven? 2nd Thessalonians 1:8 applies to everyone.
Islamic Muslims Had Nothing to Do With 9/11
Zionists like John Hagee are brainwashed. The 9/11 attacks were carried out by Saudi Arabians (video) working in conjunction with the Bush Administration. The Bin Laden family were all suspects prior to 911, but President Bush blocked all attempts to investigate them with presidential Directive W199-EYE. Please visit my 911 page, exposing the 911 cover-ups. Please watch the 2 hour free video by Alex Jones, 911: The Road to Tyranny. Also, The Truth and Lies of 911 video by former LAPD narcotics officer, Mike Ruppert. Here are hundreds of concrete evidences showing that 911 was orchestrated by the illuminati, not Muslims. 911 was an INSIDE JOB!!! Please watch, Illuminazi 911 (Free 1:23 hour startling video by Anthony J. Hilder).
It was the Military Industrial Complex (the corrupt criminal relationship between Wall Street, the Pentagon and the White House) who carried out 911; stopping NORAD, staged false terror attacks on 911 as a cover for the real terrorist attacks, bombing the Pentagon to simulate a plane crash, et cetera. The official 911 story has been proven a fraud. How do 2 planes bring down 3 buildings? No plane hit WTC 7, so why did a 47-story building (which takes months to plant such explosives) implode to the ground in 6.5 seconds? BBC News reported that WTC imploded, 23 MINUTES BEFORE IT FELL!!! ladies and gentleman, the Bush family and Bush administration are mass-murdering criminals.
Present Bush's younger brother, Marvin Bush, oversaw the company that handled electronics security on all the Trade Towers in the 2-years leading up to the 911 attacks. I mean, you couldn't make this stuff up folks! They got caught, red handed doing all this, but the newsmedia is so powerful in America that they've literally indoctrinated Americans to think some crazy Arab with a laptop in a cave in Afghanistan did this. That just shows you the power of lying.
It's time for Americans to wake up, and stop listening to Zionist preachers who are as ignorant as can be concerning what is going on in the world today. Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4), and works through occult organizations such as Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, and Freemasonry to do his bidding... they are the willing servants of EVIL!
Islam didn't cause 911 in ANY WAY! If your pastor is continually praising the Jews, and criticizing the Arabs, then find another church where at least the pastor knows what he's talking about. Nearly all Jews, like Arabs, have rejected Jesus Christ. God told Jeremiah not to pray anything good concerning Israel, because of their wickedness (Jeremiah 14:11). The same is true today. This includes America as well.
In 586 B.C., God allowed the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, to finally decimate and destroy the city of Jerusalem. Nearly all the Jews were enslaved in Babylon for 70 years, or tortured and killed. God gave up on the nation of Israel, and instead turned to the Gentiles to be soulwinners. Of course, God has not cast away His people (Romans 11:2). Israel, i.e., saved Jews, will be restored to their Promised Land when Christ RETURNS, and not before.
Are the Jews God's people, yes! Are most of the Jews God's children, no! The Apostle Paul addressed this issue in Romans 10:1-4, "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." What powerful Scriptures for Jews today! Did you read that... that they MIGHT be saved. There is NO guarantee of salvation just because a person is a Jew.
The Apostle Paul plainly states that many Jews are NOT saved, because they have religious Judaism without God's righteousness. Judaizers are going about to establish their own righteousness, and have NOT submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God—which is to believe on Christ (Romans 10:4, For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth). Oh how foolish and arrogant are MOST Jews today. It's Jesus or Hell my friend.
As Christians, we ought to be exposing the evils of Judaism and Zionism, as much as Islam.
poniedziałek, 14 października 2013
Jesli oglądacie to komentujcie proszę, ponieważ ja nie oglądam całych filmów w wersji english a może są jakieś ciekawe myśli, informacje
Obamacare : Private Insurance dropping Americans and force the
Zapraszam do koemnatrzy lub streszczenia
niedziela, 13 października 2013
Top 10 Superfoods
Top 10 Superfoods
optimal health is your goal, there's no getting around your diet. Your
physical health is a direct reflection of what you put into your body,
and how you live your life in general. Pre-packaged processed
foods may be convenient, but cooking from scratch using fresh
unprocessed ingredients is an absolute must if you want to improve your
term "superfood" has become something of a marketing buzzword in recent
years, and many processed food products will boast such ingredients.
But don't be fooled. Processing tends to denature nutrients, so what you
end up with is typically a far inferior version compared to the real
Your best bet is to simply stick with the originals, meaning whole organic foods.
is a list of my top 10 best superfoods—whole foods that offer a wide
range of essential nutrients that can easily be integrated into a
balanced diet. Aim to incorporate as many of these foods into your diet
on a daily or weekly basis, and you'll be off to a great start. Keep in
mind that all of the foods on this list should beorganic or wild.
# 1 Organic Pastured Eggs, Preferably Rawc Pastured Eggs, Preferably Raw- Nine essential amino acids
- One of the highest quality proteins you can find. Proteins are nutrients that are essential to the building, maintenance and repair of your body tissues such as your skin, internal organs and muscles. They are also the major components of your immune system and hormones
- Lutein and zeaxanthin (for your eyes)
- Choline for your brain, nervous- and cardiovascular systems
- Naturally occurring B12
Free-range or "pastured" eggs are
a relatively inexpensive and amazing source of high-quality nutrients
that many people are deficient in, especially high-quality protein and
fat. A single egg contains:
you'll want to eat your eggs raw, or as close to raw as possible, such
as soft-boiled or poached. I currently have four raw egg yolks nearly
every morning over a bed of dehydrated vegetable pulp left over from my
juicing, along with some red onions and a whole avocado. I discard the
egg whites as I struggle with kidney damage; a result of having my
mercury filling removed improperly, so I must limit my protein intake
and in my view, the egg yolks are exponentially superior to the whites.
If you chose to use egg whites, please don't eat them raw unless you
also consume the egg yolks, otherwise you risk developing a biotin
sobota, 12 października 2013
piątek, 11 października 2013
Synthetic Police Are Coming: DARPA Engineering Autonomous Robots
Because of the risks involved in rescue aid workers and human response teams, DARPA awarded Boston Dynamics, Inc. a $10.9 million contract to manufacture humanoid robots that are bi-pedal, built like humans and have a sensor head with on-board computing capabilities. Completion of the project is expected for August of 2014.
Humanoid Automonous Police Robot przez tlwsq
These robots are being created to assist in excavation and rescue missions, according to DARPA . They could also be employed to evacuation operations during either man-made or natural disasters.
Humanoid Automonous Police Robot przez tlwsq
These robots are being created to assist in excavation and rescue missions, according to DARPA . They could also be employed to evacuation operations during either man-made or natural disasters.
środa, 9 października 2013
Oldest Bible found in Palestine
"Jezus był sługą Boga a nie Jego synem"
Przetłumaczone dzięki Łukaszowi:
The New Nephilim Men of Renown
Mężowie sławni - " nasienie węża . "
Stworzymy Chaos .. i gdy wydaje się, cała nadzieja jest stracone, stworzymy ich Zbawiciela. Mamy jednakkrótki czas .. wdrożyć Nieśmiertelność i pomóc ludzkości zapomnieć o Bogu. Usuniemy Boga -factor . Będziemy zjednoczenia mas, do świata bez Boga [ " Novus Ordo Seclorum " / " Nowy Porządek Wieków " ] . I będą nas powitać [ duchowych przewodników i obcy zbawcy ] z otwartymi ramionami . Weźmiemy je ze snu , tak , że nie można poznać Boga . Będziemy je modyfikować do naszych specyfikacji więc [ Galactic Federation of / " Światło -robotników " ] może nauczyć świat zdyskredytować Bóg wcielony , Jezus Chrystus . Wszyscy będą widzieć nas jako Ancient Aliens / Annunaki , Twoja rodzina [ET " bracia Kosmos "] z Gwiazdami
Nephilimów Rzymski Kościół Szatana:
Oni wyglądają jak MY:
After thousands of years of gene manipulation, Satan has perfected the mixing of the species through the abduction program. Now living among us are the new and Improved Nephilim, all abductees and their hybrid offspring known as the New Age lightworkers, indigo children, star kids. They have been activated to indoctrinate the earth into the luciferian new age of enlightenment which main purpose is to discredit God incarnate Jesus.
mirrored from Komorusan
Po tysiącach lat manipulacji genowej, Szatan perfekcji mieszanie gatunków w ramach programu porwań. Teraz żyje wśród nas są nowe i udoskonalone Nephilim, wszystkie uprowadzonych i ich potomstwo hybrydowy znany jako New Age lightworkers, indygo dzieci, dzieci gwiazd. Zostały one aktywowane indoktrynować Ziemię do Lucyfera nowej ery oświecenia, której głównym celem jest zdyskredytowanie Boga wcielonego Jezusa.
synchronizowany z Komorusan
Stworzymy Chaos .. i gdy wydaje się, cała nadzieja jest stracone, stworzymy ich Zbawiciela. Mamy jednakkrótki czas .. wdrożyć Nieśmiertelność i pomóc ludzkości zapomnieć o Bogu. Usuniemy Boga -factor . Będziemy zjednoczenia mas, do świata bez Boga [ " Novus Ordo Seclorum " / " Nowy Porządek Wieków " ] . I będą nas powitać [ duchowych przewodników i obcy zbawcy ] z otwartymi ramionami . Weźmiemy je ze snu , tak , że nie można poznać Boga . Będziemy je modyfikować do naszych specyfikacji więc [ Galactic Federation of / " Światło -robotników " ] może nauczyć świat zdyskredytować Bóg wcielony , Jezus Chrystus . Wszyscy będą widzieć nas jako Ancient Aliens / Annunaki , Twoja rodzina [ET " bracia Kosmos "] z Gwiazdami
Nephilimów Rzymski Kościół Szatana:
Oni wyglądają jak MY:
After thousands of years of gene manipulation, Satan has perfected the mixing of the species through the abduction program. Now living among us are the new and Improved Nephilim, all abductees and their hybrid offspring known as the New Age lightworkers, indigo children, star kids. They have been activated to indoctrinate the earth into the luciferian new age of enlightenment which main purpose is to discredit God incarnate Jesus.
mirrored from Komorusan
Po tysiącach lat manipulacji genowej, Szatan perfekcji mieszanie gatunków w ramach programu porwań. Teraz żyje wśród nas są nowe i udoskonalone Nephilim, wszystkie uprowadzonych i ich potomstwo hybrydowy znany jako New Age lightworkers, indygo dzieci, dzieci gwiazd. Zostały one aktywowane indoktrynować Ziemię do Lucyfera nowej ery oświecenia, której głównym celem jest zdyskredytowanie Boga wcielonego Jezusa.
synchronizowany z Komorusan
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